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We're expanding! We're expanding!

We hear a variety of positive, heartwarming comments when people walk through Re-Made's doors. Comments have been plentiful about the welcoming and homey atmosphere, the awesome employees, and adored products. However, over the past several months we've heard most often, "You have outgrown your space! You need more room!"

All of us at Re-Made have been feeling the squeeze of stuff everywhere. We have to navigate a pathway to get to the kitchen or back work counter. Then, there is the room for display that stays stacked to the ceiling with donations. And not only have we never been able to display one little item there, but at this moment "stuff" prohibits anyone from even entering the room.

In the middle of ALL of us feeling as if we're dancing around each other to find a paintbrush or locate a canvas we just had in our hands three minutes earlier, God breaks through with space for us to breathe (and store more stuff:). He has created a way for us to stay in our current building while growing back through two apartments directly behind us and eventually along the east side facing 5th. Street, too. We're giddy with excitement and at the same time telling our fears to go away. We are where we were at just this time last year before opening: out on a limb in faith trusting the MOST loving Heavenly Father to provide wisdom, direction, and finances during this new phase. We are thanking Him for opening a door for us to stay in our home at 17 West 5th street with our Re-Made family. Thank you for being a HUGE part of our chapter one and first year story, and stay tuned for more updates about Re-Made's expansion journey!

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Re-Made For a Purpose 

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